Osool for Training & Consulting held a training program for Oman International Bank staff titled (Credit Analysis)

Osool for Training & Consulting held a training program for Oman International Bank staff titled (Credit Analysis) in the headquarter of The Training Center in Muscat in The Sultanate of Oman during 5-9/7/2009, where the program has been divided into stages by which the credit was allocated a number of workshops, case studies and role-play in each stage, in order to establish the theoretical framework through practice, where it is widely believed today that the Credit loan officer needs to study the various financial ratios to make a correct credit decisions, which it is not true belief, in fact, a Credit officer in need to many additional skills for the issuance of a correct credit decisions and provide better service for the client. It have been also addressed in this program to the skills of credit officers, customer interview and investigating credit worthiness, financial & non financial credit analysis, risk analysis, calculating financial need and loan structuring, collateral, credit & financial report, monitoring and problem loans .. The program was presented by Mr. Hussam Amin, who was designed it with a group of experts and trainers, noting that Mr. Hussam keeps modifying the program and developing it continuously.
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